-- Demo case: Researching PL/SQL cursors in case of cardinality feedback / statistics feedback -- Date: 19-11-2016 -- Info: Access to sys.dbms_lock needs to be granted (grant execute on dbms_lock to ) -- Demo run on Oracle version: (Oracle Database 12c EE Extreme Perf Release) and OEL 3.8.13-, but compatible with Oracle version >= 12.1 -- Format output col sql_text format a140 col user_name format a30 col cursor_type format a30 -- create demo table and index drop table demo1 purge; create table demo1 as select rownum as n, rpad('*',100,'*') as pad from dual connect by level <= 10000; create index demo1_i on demo1(n); execute dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user,'demo1'); -- create sql dependencies create or replace type number_t as table of number; / create or replace package feedback_sql is function f(p_count number) return number_t pipelined; procedure do_sql_static(p_sleep number); procedure do_sql_dynamic(p_sleep number); end; / create or replace package body feedback_sql is function f(p_count number) return number_t pipelined is begin for i in 1..p_count loop pipe row(i); end loop; return; end; procedure do_sql_static(p_sleep number) is type t_n is table of number; l_n t_n; type t_pad is table of varchar2(100); l_pad t_pad; begin for i in 1..1000 loop select /*+ called by PL/SQL procedure */ n, pad bulk collect into l_n, l_pad from demo1, table(feedback_sql.f(10)) f where demo1.n = f.column_value; sys.dbms_lock.sleep(p_sleep); end loop; end; procedure do_sql_dynamic(p_sleep number) is type sqlcurtyp is ref cursor; v_sql_cursor sqlcurtyp; demo1_record demo1%rowtype; v_stmt_str varchar2(200); begin v_stmt_str := 'select /*+ called by PL/SQL procedure as dynamic */ n, pad from demo1, table(feedback_sql.f(10)) f where demo1.n = f.column_value'; for i in 1..1000 loop open v_sql_cursor for v_stmt_str; loop fetch v_sql_cursor into demo1_record; exit when v_sql_cursor%notfound; end loop; close v_sql_cursor; sys.dbms_lock.sleep(p_sleep); end loop; end; end; / -- Prepare test case alter system flush shared_pool; ACCEPT continue CHAR PROMPT 'Press ENTER to continue with test case for PL/SQL package procedure with static SQL ...' HIDE -- Run test case first time as PL/SQL package procedure with static SQL exec feedback_sql.do_sql_static(0); -- Get information about cursor(s) select sql_id, sql_text, child_number, child_address, is_reoptimizable, executions from v$sql where sql_id = 'ftfsqyyf272nz'; select sid, user_name, sql_id, cursor_type, child_address from v$open_cursor where sql_id = 'ftfsqyyf272nz'; -- Run test case second time as PL/SQL package procedure with static SQL exec feedback_sql.do_sql_static(0); -- Get information about cursor(s) select sql_id, sql_text, child_number, child_address, is_reoptimizable, executions from v$sql where sql_id = 'ftfsqyyf272nz'; select sid, user_name, sql_id, cursor_type, child_address from v$open_cursor where sql_id = 'ftfsqyyf272nz'; ACCEPT continue CHAR PROMPT 'Press ENTER to continue with test case for anonymous PL/SQL block with static SQL ...' HIDE -- Run test case first time as anonymous PL/SQL block with static SQL declare type t_n is table of number; l_n t_n; type t_pad is table of varchar2(100); l_pad t_pad; begin for i in 1..1000 loop select /*+ called by anonymous PL/SQL block */ n, pad bulk collect into l_n, l_pad from demo1, table(feedback_sql.f(10)) f where demo1.n = f.column_value; sys.dbms_lock.sleep(0); end loop; end; / -- Get information about cursor(s) select sql_id, sql_text, child_number, child_address, is_reoptimizable, executions from v$sql where sql_id = '65k0mkzwbp9xg'; select sid, user_name, sql_id, cursor_type, child_address from v$open_cursor where sql_id = '65k0mkzwbp9xg'; -- Run test case second time as anonymous PL/SQL block with static SQL declare type t_n is table of number; l_n t_n; type t_pad is table of varchar2(100); l_pad t_pad; begin for i in 1..1000 loop select /*+ called by anonymous PL/SQL block */ n, pad bulk collect into l_n, l_pad from demo1, table(feedback_sql.f(10)) f where demo1.n = f.column_value; sys.dbms_lock.sleep(0); end loop; end; / -- Get information about cursor(s) select sql_id, sql_text, child_number, child_address, is_reoptimizable, executions from v$sql where sql_id = '65k0mkzwbp9xg'; select sid, user_name, sql_id, cursor_type, child_address from v$open_cursor where sql_id = '65k0mkzwbp9xg'; ACCEPT continue CHAR PROMPT 'Press ENTER to continue with test case for PL/SQL package procedure with dynamic SQL ...' HIDE -- Run test case first time as PL/SQL package procedure with dynamic SQL exec feedback_sql.do_sql_dynamic(0); -- Get information about cursor(s) select sql_id, sql_text, child_number, child_address, is_reoptimizable, executions from v$sql where sql_id = '2km5gbx8gmnvt'; select sid, user_name, sql_id, cursor_type, child_address from v$open_cursor where sql_id = '2km5gbx8gmnvt'; -- Run test case second time as PL/SQL package procedure with dynamic SQL exec feedback_sql.do_sql_dynamic(0); -- Get information about cursor(s) select sql_id, sql_text, child_number, child_address, is_reoptimizable, executions from v$sql where sql_id = '2km5gbx8gmnvt'; select sid, user_name, sql_id, cursor_type, child_address from v$open_cursor where sql_id = '2km5gbx8gmnvt';